Atmosphere lighting and colors have been improved.
Improved ambient occlusion and penumbra shadows.
Some static and dynamic destructible elements drops loot now.
Falling objects on player head causes damage now.
Hooked props are automatic grabbed if hand slot is empty.
Updated physics.
Updated decals.
Updated player movement.
Updated models and textures.
Improved overall effects and particles.
Improved surfaces and terrain details.
Better shader performance.
Updated intro and main menu.
[BetaTest 0.3]
Day and night.
Fire propagation.
Dialogs, voices and subtitles.
WASP entity.
'Interact' key binding has been added for player to interact with external elements while
carrying a prop. 'Use / interact' has been replaced for 'Use / shoot'.
Voices volume setting.
Updated 'TestArea' level.
Legacy Input system has been reworked and converted to Enhanced Input. Gamepad compatibility is
not implemented yet.
Improved physics system.
Better skybox.
Explosions damage and force oclussion added.
Player can grab and launch small non-usable props now.
Bullets have bounce probability when hit metal surfaces.
Better shaders performance.
Collision shapes has been improved for many objects.
Improved terrain surfaces quality.
Several HUD improvements.
Overall interface elements have been improved.
Minor fixes and improvements when grabbing objects.
Carriable objects no longer can be launched through near walls or surfaces.
Player camera position is no longer misplaced after the first death.
Tools menu no longer can be opened while dying.
Game modes at main menu can no longer been pressed twice if a game mode is already selected.
HUD weapon reload bar is not hidden anymore.
[BetaTest 0.2]
Added Earth environment content.
Added material-based prop hit sounds and bullets collision effects.
Added temperature system.
Camera shake can be deactivated at settings menu.
More screen resolutions are now available at settings menu.
Tools selector is now compatible with keyboard numbers.
Escape key works for menus now.
Added game icon.
Updated 'TestArea' level.
Updated player movement and interaction.
Settings menu has been improved.
Overall physics system has been improved.
Destructible system has been updated and improved.
Dynamic elements performance.
Updated sound system.
Updated effects.
Player death has been improved.
HUD several improvements.
Scanner chromatic aberration effect is no longer seen after turned off due no battery.
[BetaTest 0.1]
'Test Area' mode.
Crouch system.
Language settings.
Spanish language.
Mouse sensitivity and invert axis options.
Color blind mode.
Custom mouse cursor.
Controls overlay.
3 tools (abilities).
HUD includes stamina, health, 3d printer cooldown and launch force indicators.
Dynamic props and destructible objects.
Player now receive damage and can die.
Player respawn system.
Global damage system based on physics, velocity, area damage and distance.
Interactive elements, effects and many more.
Interaction system reworked.
Updated physics system.
Updated 'Playground' level.
Player movement system has been reworked.
Optimized lighting and rendering.
Default field of view value is set to 95.
Improved rock models.
Textures are no longer unloaded when changing 'Textures' or 'Effects and details' settings.